IDI, the film got the attention of the audience through its unique title at first, is getting ready to grace the screens here in Kerala. IDI aka Inspector Dawood Ibrahim is a comedy action movie or may be called a spoof film as per reports, is written and directed by Debutant Sajid Yahiya, who is popular as an actor in M-Town. Arouz Irfan also associated with Sajid to write the screenplay of this film starred by Young Star Jayasurya. Dr. Ajaz Ibrahim and Arun bankrolled this big budget movie which will be distributed all over by Eros International, the global biggie.
The film is said to be releasing on the 12th of August and the teaser of the film had released last day. The teaser is getting good response from all over and getting great attention for its mass appeal. This will be Jayasurya’s first real attempt to play an action hero and that itself making the film to get all the attention from the film lovers. Shivada who played Jayasurya’s female lead in Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam, is playing the female lead in this one too. Rahul raj composed the songs and Background music for this movie and Sujith Sarang had cranked the camera for this flick.